Rib is from the country of Bogusstan, which is the only landlocked island.
It is directly North/South of Assbackastan and East/West of Malaria.
Founded by mannequins in 2023 BR (before Rib) it is the number 1 tourist destination for people with single digit IQs.
Bogusstan is nine times larger in mass than the number 9
Please Note: no mannequins were harmed during the construction of this page
Some uninteresting facts about Bogusstan:
The underPresident of Bogusstan is Divit Pectoral Muscle
Bogusstan is home to the heaviest recorded mannequin weighing in at 1,234 pounds.
The official bird of Bogusstan is a rock.
The official flag of Bogusstan is a pair of Rib's dirty underwear. It is rarely flown or washed.
Bogusstan succeeded from Assbackastan during the turn of the next century.
The official number of Bogusstan is batshit
The most popular form of transportation in Bogusstan is Rib's Bike, which is in Ash's backyard.
It is illegal to walk a mannequin in a southern direction after dark
It is illegal to toss a mannequin in front of a moving walrus
It is illegal to throw a mannequin off of Rainbow Wall on Sundays.
It is directly North/South of Assbackastan and East/West of Malaria.
Founded by mannequins in 2023 BR (before Rib) it is the number 1 tourist destination for people with single digit IQs.
Bogusstan is nine times larger in mass than the number 9
Please Note: no mannequins were harmed during the construction of this page
Some uninteresting facts about Bogusstan:
The underPresident of Bogusstan is Divit Pectoral Muscle
Bogusstan is home to the heaviest recorded mannequin weighing in at 1,234 pounds.
The official bird of Bogusstan is a rock.
The official flag of Bogusstan is a pair of Rib's dirty underwear. It is rarely flown or washed.
Bogusstan succeeded from Assbackastan during the turn of the next century.
The official number of Bogusstan is batshit
The most popular form of transportation in Bogusstan is Rib's Bike, which is in Ash's backyard.
It is illegal to walk a mannequin in a southern direction after dark
It is illegal to toss a mannequin in front of a moving walrus
It is illegal to throw a mannequin off of Rainbow Wall on Sundays.